There are many things that one can do while lazying about your house over break.
1) look up your missing assignments on
webgrade and do them and have them ready to turn in on the 5
2) if you don't know what is missing go through the old blog pages and find out all of the assignments, they are all there and you will recognize what you are missing. Chances are if you did it you will remember doing it/answering the questions/ taking notes......
3) Study for your Final , it is a comprehensive final. The material will be from the first day of school through chapter 10. To help you prepare -
1) Go through your class notes and sq3r notes, cross reference your notes with any handouts you have received from me and homework that has been returned.
2) take notes from your notes and go over these, many times
3) practice taking multiple choice tests by taking the chapter assessments at the back of chapters
1, 2, 7,8,9,10.
4) read chapter 10, take SQ3R notes and have them ready to turn in.
email me with questions
Ms. T