Sunday, March 11, 2007

End of Grading Period - Start of Another!

Hi folks:

Friday marked the end of our first six week's of the second semester. Just 12 weeks of classes in the school year. My how time is flying. As you may know March 30th starts our spring break - however it will not be much of a break for your Biology studies as we need to prep for the STAR Testing. I will be sending a packet of test prep questions for you to work on over vacation. Everyone who completes the packet will be WAIVED from an assignment! Click here for more STAR testing info.

This week we are finishing up meiosis and moving on to DNA - what it is, how it looks and what it does.
Click here for meiosis notes.

Looking for a cool interactive DNA site click here...

looking forward to a great week!

Ms. T

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