Sunday, September 16, 2007

How to write a lab report and more

Hi Folks
This week we are going to go over the steps you need to use to write a proper lab report.
Please bring all the data from Friday's Measurement Lab to class. We are also going to finish the discussion of Chapter 1 and move on to Chapter 2 Wednesday.
I have prepared study notes for Chapter 1.

Click here to download the Chapter 1 study notes.
Click Here to download the notes for chapter 2.

Monday Morning at 7:30 I will be hosting a metric review. ALL students are welcome to attend. You may make up the Metric Quiz and I will average the grades. You can do this as many times as you like by the 5th of October.

This week I hope to begin Chapter 2 and have the exam for chapter 1 and 2 Wednesday October 3rd.
Remember This Tuesday THE 18TH, is and Early Release Day, that means School is OUT at 12:30.

HOMEWORK - Due Friday 9-21
Formal Lab Write up on Measurement Lab due Friday 21st. Read Chapter 2 and submit chapter notes.

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