Sunday, December 09, 2007

Last Week Before Recess

Before we head out for a two week vacation I would like to give you an assignment to be completed over winter recess. You are asked to construct a mitosis flip book on 3x5 cards. Please follow the grading rubric to get the most possible points. You will be graded on scientific accuracy, following directions, presentation and neatness of project.

You can attach the 3x5 cards with string, staples, binder clips or what ever you have around the house. This assignment is due on the day you return back to school.

Click Here for the assignment

Click Here for the grading rubric

Homework Due Friday December 14th
Read Chapter 10 and Define All vocabulary.
Answer questions 1-4 page 243
Questions1-5 page 249

Please email me with any questions!

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