Monday, August 25, 2008

Welcome Back!!!

Welcome to a new school year and the start of your journey into the world of life!

this week we will begin our discussion on lab safety - want to see a power point on chemical burns? Come to class on Wednesday.
Wednesday Lab Safety -
Friday - Lab Safety Quiz. Begin discussion of measurement and the metric system!

Homework -
300 word essay due in class Tuesday discussing how Biology affects/effects your life.

Comment on the Blog.

Looking for a course syllabus? click here
Looking for a curriculum map? click here

Remember Due Friday - signed student contracts and please have all of your materials ready to go on Tuesday - No school Monday!


Anonymous said...

Hey! It's Melissa, yeah I'm typing up that essay. (Well more like writing it.)

Anonymous said...

Wow. I'm the only student to leave a comment. That's not surprising haha. I'm looking forward to your class!

Emily Vasquez

jeancarlosparedes said...

thankks for helping me today and sometimes i going need some help because i do not speak a lot of english. gracias jean carlos, your new student XD.

Anonymous said...

Ah...oops. I forgot to add a comment yesterday.

My apologizes.

Ah well, though it's late, I'm looking forward to being in your class!

~Melanie Manzana
4th period Biology

Anonymous said...

Whoopie dasies. Didn't add you a comment yesterday. sorry. But i did send you an e-mail so yeahhh.
-Anna Jumratchotchoung. :)

Anonymous said...

so sorry, i didn't figure out how to write a comment yesterday, so i left an email. but here is my comment- I think that this blog will be really useful (hopefully) It will be easier to get home work. but i do hope that you will also gives us the homework in calss, too!

-Bridgette Wentworth

Anonymous said...

done. and now.... sleep. thank god.
-rewina .b

Anonymous said...

wassup!! high school rocks and im hopein that bio class will to....o ya and that essay was easy

Anonymous said...

~~ Leaving a comment, finally learned in class today -

Marvin Tsang

Anonymous said...

sorry i didnt write u a comment yesterday cuz i didnt know how to...i am amazed of myself that i remember to leave it just now :0 ;)

-Christy Ouyang

Unknown said...

Hi its magdiel....


hey hey ms. trusso well wow im really doing my homework! hey hey! well lets make it last! hahaha
-(elizabeth vargas)

Anonymous said...

wassup its donivan, just thot id say somthin...... something lol k

Anonymous said...

Hi this Ravyn. I almost can't believe
you're interested in writing children books and sewing.So cool!!! I personally like knitting myself. I know this site will be tremendously beneficial and advantageous. I eagerly anticipate being in your class.

Anonymous said...

hay it's me Andrew