Sunday, January 13, 2008

Helpful Study Giude for Finals!

Since finals are next week I thought it prudent to provide you with a study guide. The final is Cumulative - covering topics from the first day of school through today. The test will be 100 multiple choice and 1/2 of the exam is review material and the other 1/2 will be from mitosis-meiosis, and Mendelian Genetics. SO

Please study chapters 10 and 11 very throughly.
Review the following

Chapter 2 - Know the meaning of _Nature of an Atom, Three types of chemical bonds, Difference between solution, suspensions, pH scale, Buffers, Enzymes. Know the four types of Organic Compounds. Difference between monomer and polymer.

Chapter 7 History of the cell, Difference between prokaryotes vs eukaryotes, Cellular organelles, Know how cells make proteins, What is the cell membrane made of, How substances cross the cell membrane,

Chapter 8 Photosynthesis - where does photosynthesis take place, what chemical factors are necessary , Process of photosynthesis , formula for photosynthesis, Light dependent reaction, Calvin cycle,
Chapter 9 Cellular Respiration, Glycolysis, Formula for cellular respiration, Fermentation -two types, Krebs cycle, electron transport chain.

We will spend Friday as review.

Homework You will be allowed to bring in a 3x5 card to the final. I encourage you to make one while you are reviewing the material . YOU MUST LEAVE THE 3x5 card WITH ME FOLLOWING THE TEST.

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