Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Finals Week

This week is finals week. Please rest well and study hard. I should have your finals graded by Thursday am, so please stop by room 118 to find out how you did (period 1 and 4).
If you have lost your textbook please see me now so you can pay for it and I can order you a new one for next semester. You need your textbook to complete homework assignments, reinforce what material is learned in class and provide you with a reference guide for Biology.

NO SCHOOL MONDAY January 28th - It is a day off for the Semester Break.

Homework Due 02/01/08 - Friday
Read pages 286-294
Answer Questions on page 294 # 1-4
Extra Credit DUE Feb 8th
Make a 3-D model of DNA at home with materials you find around the house. see me for details.

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