Monday, February 04, 2008

First Week Of February

We are going to be busy with the California High School Exit Exam this Tuesday and Wednesday. Please rest and eat!
Tuesday is an early release day. Students will be released at12:25. Thursday and Friday are School Holidays. There is no school!

In Honor of African American History Month I would like each student to research a famous African American Scientist in the field of Biology or Biochemistry. I would like you to display the scientist that you found on a 8 1/2 x 11 inch sheet of paper or construction paper (larger size is OK). There are several formats you can use.

This is due Next Monday 2/11.

A Newspaper Article - write information about your scientist like you would if you were writing it for a newspaper

Resume - Make the poster in the form of the scientists resume

Picture - make a poster showing the scientists working or his/her accomplishments.

web site with ideas

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