Sunday, September 28, 2008

Chapter 2

This week we will be finishing up chapter 2 and you will be tested on chapter two next Monday and Tuesday. Please make sure that all of your reading and homework are up to date as this Friday October 3rd marks the end of our 6 week grading period.

This week we will be learning about macromolecules, carbohydrates, lipids and proteins. This includes art projects, laboratory experience readings and lecture.

This week we will be having another lab on Wednesday the write-up will be due the following Wednesday. This lab will be the investigation of carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids. I will start to explain the lab on Monday.

Looking for the Power Point on Macromolecules to help you study?
Click Here

Due Wednesday
Your Lab on pH is due Wednesday
-Homework Due Thursday - Read pages 49-55 and take SQ3R notes. Turn in assessment on page 57 Questions 1- 15.


n_mai said...

what if you didn't finish testing the other substances and only have part of the data and its due friday. what do you do?
Nathan Mai

Anonymous said...

The homework pages 49-55 are for your other class right? For Biology period 1, it's the page 57 1-15, and the lab report, right?


n_mai said...

yeah what if you didn't finish testing the other substances and its due tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

yeah i lost the data that i wrote in my notebook for the PH lab i was wondering what i could do instead. And can we turn in late reading asignments?

Ms. Trusso said...

you can turn in what you have so time let me know at the end of the lab so you can finish testing at lunch, before i put the lab away.

Ms. Trusso said...

you have until the end of your class on friday to turn in any late work.
remember i give you the entire 6 weeks to turn in missed work AND to re-submit any work that you would like to see a higher grade on.

Anonymous said...

Can we PLZ email you missing work or we absolutely, positively cannot turn in anything anymore?