Friday, September 05, 2008

September 8th

This week we are starting our first lab report and that means our first lab. I plan on going over how i want you to write up all of your lab reports for the school year. We are also going to start chapter one notes, to get you ready for your first test on Wednesday October 1st. The exam will cover chapters 1 and 2 from your textbook.

Homework due Thursday or Friday (sept 11th 12th)
Read pages 20-28 (SQ3R method) and answer questions on page 31, # 11,13,14,17,19.

Lab Report Due Friday:


Anonymous said...

Hey! ms.Trusso, for the sq3r notes for home work do you have to write the questions of each chapter in your own words and then answer the q's on pg.31?
your student,

Anonymous said...

for the sq3r is it just writing down the questions we make or are we sopose to be writting something else?