Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Back to School

Also means back to work for you and Biology class. We are starting on chapter 10 "Cell Growth and Division". You will be responsible for making a mitosis flip book - outlining the different phases of mitosis. More details to follow on the 5th.
Keep in mind your upcoming finals - start studying now as research shows 1/2 hour for 8 days goes twice as far as one 4 hour cram session!

Looking for mitosis links click here!

1) Chapter 10 read and turn in SQ3R notes.
2) page 243 questions #1-4
3) 249 questions # 1-6, writing in science - 3 paragraphs please

questions email me!


Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Winter Break

There are many things that one can do while lazying about your house over break.
1) look up your missing assignments on webgrade and do them and have them ready to turn in on the 5th.

2) if you don't know what is missing go through the old blog pages and find out all of the assignments, they are all there and you will recognize what you are missing. Chances are if you did it you will remember doing it/answering the questions/ taking notes......

3) Study for your Final , it is a comprehensive final. The material will be from the first day of school through chapter 10. To help you prepare -
1) Go through your class notes and sq3r notes, cross reference your notes with any handouts you have received from me and homework that has been returned.

2) take notes from your notes and go over these, many times

3) practice taking multiple choice tests by taking the chapter assessments at the back of chapters
1, 2, 7,8,9,10.

4) read chapter 10, take SQ3R notes and have them ready to turn in.

email me with questions

Ms. T

Monday, December 15, 2008

Dec 15th

We are days away from our winter break and please use these two weeks to review your Biology material from the beginning of the year since your final exam will be cumulative. Have a good time too!

Homework for this week includes tying up any loose ends - papers that haven't yet been turned in, notes that need to be written and turned into me, things like that.


I would like the formal lab write up for our most recent lab involving the three types of bacteria. Please include a background section that refers to the type of bacteria culture we used, the procedure for having a sterile work area,preparing the petri dish, inoculation of the petri dish, incubation at 37 degrees, sealing of the petri dishes with perifilm and finally looking under the microscipe at the different species of bacteria.Also make sure you include any drawings you may have made and observations. Please include the above mentioned items IN ADDITION to the normal formal lab report.

contact me with questions...

Study up! 30 multiple choice questions based on chapters 8 and 9- photosynthesis and respiration. You are allowed to use a 1/2 sheet study guide made by you, to be turned in once test is over.. don't even think of making an extra copy for your friend .