Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Back to School

Also means back to work for you and Biology class. We are starting on chapter 10 "Cell Growth and Division". You will be responsible for making a mitosis flip book - outlining the different phases of mitosis. More details to follow on the 5th.
Keep in mind your upcoming finals - start studying now as research shows 1/2 hour for 8 days goes twice as far as one 4 hour cram session!

Looking for mitosis links click here!

1) Chapter 10 read and turn in SQ3R notes.
2) page 243 questions #1-4
3) 249 questions # 1-6, writing in science - 3 paragraphs please

questions email me!



Anonymous said...

"3) 249 questions # 1-6, writing in science - 3 paragraphs please"

what do you mean when you said "writing in science - 3 paragraphs"?

Anonymous said...

Umm the same question, how many pages can we use for the final again?

Christy O.