Before we head out for a two week vacation I would like to give you an assignment to be completed over winter recess. You are asked to construct a mitosis flip book on 3x5 cards. Please follow the grading rubric to get the most possible points. You will be graded on scientific accuracy, following directions, presentation and neatness of project.
You can attach the 3x5 cards with string, staples, binder clips or what ever you have around the house. This assignment is due on the day you return back to school.
Click Here for the assignment
Click Here for the grading rubric
Homework Due Friday December 14th
Read Chapter 10 and Define All vocabulary.
Answer questions 1-4 page 243
Questions1-5 page 249
Please email me with any questions!
Sunday, December 09, 2007
Sunday, December 02, 2007
Two Weeks Left !!!
Yes - only two weeks till winter recess, let's try to keep the learning focused and continue to work. We have loads to do!
We will be finishing chapter 8 and 9 this week and beginning cellular division next week. If you know that you will not be here this Friday I encourage you to see me and discuss alternative test taking times.
To help you prepare for the test here is the homework Due this Friday 12/7
Page 237 # 1-22
Page 239 # 1-9
We will be finishing chapter 8 and 9 this week and beginning cellular division next week. If you know that you will not be here this Friday I encourage you to see me and discuss alternative test taking times.
To help you prepare for the test here is the homework Due this Friday 12/7
Page 237 # 1-22
Page 239 # 1-9
Thursday, November 29, 2007
cellular respiration notes
If you would like to print out the class notes already filled in click here!
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Chapter 9 and our next test
Hi Friends:
I hope that you had a restful long weekend. This week we are going to finish up chapter 9 by completing Chapter 9 notes. We will review chapter 8 and 9 next week prior to the test.
Please remember to turn in your homework from the long weekend and begin to think about how you would like to finish up this semester!!!!
Page 225 1-5
Page 232 1-4
Start preparing for the test next Friday 12/07
I hope that you had a restful long weekend. This week we are going to finish up chapter 9 by completing Chapter 9 notes. We will review chapter 8 and 9 next week prior to the test.
Please remember to turn in your homework from the long weekend and begin to think about how you would like to finish up this semester!!!!
Page 225 1-5
Page 232 1-4
Start preparing for the test next Friday 12/07
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Third Grading Period
The third grading period marks the final 9 weeks till the end of the semester. I encourage all of you to make sure that you assignments are turned in on time and study!
This week is a short week, we finish up on Tuesday, NO SCHOOL on Wednesday.
Happy Thanksgiving
Read chapter 9 and define vocabulary terms. Due the first day back from vacation!
This week is a short week, we finish up on Tuesday, NO SCHOOL on Wednesday.
Happy Thanksgiving
Read chapter 9 and define vocabulary terms. Due the first day back from vacation!
Monday, November 12, 2007
Starting Capter 8 Photosynthesis and Respiration
I'm pleased to announce that Science Nite has been rescheduled for this Wednesday November 14th, starting at 5:30 and will continue until about 7pm. The event will be similar to last year with a pot luck supper from 5:30 and a kick off demonstration at 6pm. Families are welcome. If you come I will also give you extra credit for coming and helping us out. I'd love to see all Academy Students at this event.
Homework for this week includes:
Chapter 8 notes, I would like to see your notes in outline form. It will give me a chance to see how you take notes while reading a text book.
Laboratory Write up on the "Osmosis and the Egg" lab. This week we will open up our eggs to see what has passed through the egg's semipermeable membrane.
I'm pleased to announce that Science Nite has been rescheduled for this Wednesday November 14th, starting at 5:30 and will continue until about 7pm. The event will be similar to last year with a pot luck supper from 5:30 and a kick off demonstration at 6pm. Families are welcome. If you come I will also give you extra credit for coming and helping us out. I'd love to see all Academy Students at this event.
Homework for this week includes:
Chapter 8 notes, I would like to see your notes in outline form. It will give me a chance to see how you take notes while reading a text book.
Laboratory Write up on the "Osmosis and the Egg" lab. This week we will open up our eggs to see what has passed through the egg's semipermeable membrane.
Sunday, November 04, 2007
First Week Of November!!!!
Hold on tight cause we are going going to start running through chapter 8 - Respiration, Photosynthesis and Osmosis!
This week you will be given your very own egg - after all it is a single cell AND the largest one!
We will be looking at the properties of semi-permeable membranes using these eggs!
Unfortunately, due to middle school tours I will not be in class this Wednesday - I will sadly miss you all!
Click here to download classroom power point presentation on photosynthesis!
HOMEWORK! Due Friday Nov. 9th. - No School Monday Nov 12th.
Read Chapter 8 define vocabulary and answer questions
Page 203 1-4
page 207 1-4
Notes For Chapter 8 - I want to clooect and grade your chapter 8 notes.Due Friday Nov 16th.
This week you will be given your very own egg - after all it is a single cell AND the largest one!
We will be looking at the properties of semi-permeable membranes using these eggs!
Unfortunately, due to middle school tours I will not be in class this Wednesday - I will sadly miss you all!
Click here to download classroom power point presentation on photosynthesis!
HOMEWORK! Due Friday Nov. 9th. - No School Monday Nov 12th.
Read Chapter 8 define vocabulary and answer questions
Page 203 1-4
page 207 1-4
Notes For Chapter 8 - I want to clooect and grade your chapter 8 notes.Due Friday Nov 16th.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
End Of October
Hi Folks:
We are ending October with showing your cell projects to the class on Wednesday and the display of the project at Science Nite this Thursday.
This week we will be going over cellular organelles and I'll be grading your cell projects and the presentation. Friday of this week we will be taking a small quiz on cellular organelles and more lab work with microscopes.
Homework for Friday will be from chapter 7.
Page 197 numbers 1-10, 12, 14, 16, 18 and 20.
Ms. T
We are ending October with showing your cell projects to the class on Wednesday and the display of the project at Science Nite this Thursday.
This week we will be going over cellular organelles and I'll be grading your cell projects and the presentation. Friday of this week we will be taking a small quiz on cellular organelles and more lab work with microscopes.
Homework for Friday will be from chapter 7.
Page 197 numbers 1-10, 12, 14, 16, 18 and 20.
Ms. T
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Chapter 7 study notes
Hi Folks:
If you are interested in gaining a deeper understanding of chapter 7 click here for study notes.
Please keep in mind that study notes are made to help you go through the chapter - without having to write down every detail. I hope these help.
Ms. T
Remember your homweork is due on Friday (see Mondays post) and both parts of the cell project are due next Wednesday.
If you are interested in gaining a deeper understanding of chapter 7 click here for study notes.
Please keep in mind that study notes are made to help you go through the chapter - without having to write down every detail. I hope these help.
Ms. T
Remember your homweork is due on Friday (see Mondays post) and both parts of the cell project are due next Wednesday.
Monday, October 22, 2007
October's Fun is Almost Gone!!!
I hope everyone has been working hard on their cell project - remember it's due Next Wednesday 10/31.
Your Formal Lab Write up from last Friday's lab is due this Wednesday. Please see me if you have any questions.
Due this Friday - Chapter 7 page 189 question 1-6
pg. 193 1-4
I hope everyone has been working hard on their cell project - remember it's due Next Wednesday 10/31.
Your Formal Lab Write up from last Friday's lab is due this Wednesday. Please see me if you have any questions.
Due this Friday - Chapter 7 page 189 question 1-6
pg. 193 1-4
Monday, October 15, 2007
Decomposing Food In Class

Here are some decomposing Mac Donald's French Fries that Ms. Cussary purchased on 10/09. we are all watching the fuzz grow. Come to Science Night on Nov. 1st to witness these jars in person!!!

This is a Mac Donald's hamburger bought on 10/09. We placed t in a jar 10 hours later. What do you see?
This is a Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwich Made one week ago. Let's watch it

This is one week of decomposition for the school hamburger. Cna you see anything growing?
Come to science nite on Nov. 1st to see the rest!
This week we will begin our 6 week study of the cell. The first two weeks will be spent in chapter 7, unit 3. We have a cell project due in two weeks - this is a work at home project and please read the following post carefully!!!
Homework due 10/19
If you have not completed the vocabulary for chapter 7 please do so.
Section 7-1 questions1-4
Section 7-2 questions 1-4
Section 7-3 question 1-4
Please see me immediately of you missed last week's liver lab and need to make up. If you have not turned in your homework or your lab you need to do so as soon as possible.
Ms. T
Homework due 10/19
If you have not completed the vocabulary for chapter 7 please do so.
Section 7-1 questions1-4
Section 7-2 questions 1-4
Section 7-3 question 1-4
Please see me immediately of you missed last week's liver lab and need to make up. If you have not turned in your homework or your lab you need to do so as soon as possible.
Ms. T
Cell Project - Coming soon
Cell Project Biology Trusso
This project has two parts – Each part is Due Oct. 31st -2007. You will present your project to the entire class on the 31st (Nov 1st 5th period).
PART I - Cell. Brochure
You will choose a cell ( *please see below) and provide a minimum 10 page brochure that should be organized in the following way, with the following five chapters.
Table Of Contents
1) History
Type and History of the cell of your choice. Include, information about its discovery (who, what , where, when , why, how).
2) Function
Explain the function of your cell and WHY it is important - answer the question “Why Should I Care?”
3) Organelles
The cellular organelles this cell uses. Include at least 10 – please define and state why they are necessary to the survival of your cell.
4) Poem
My cell is like: - Create a Poem about your cell. Poem must be at least 10 lines. Remember, the more similes the more thoughtful the poem will appear! Ex, My cell is like a hot air balloon…….
5) Bibliography
Provide a list of sources that you used to make your brochure. The bibliography needs to be written in APA format. (see me for more details). Use at least two sources.
This brochure should be bound and printed on colorful paper. It can be hand written or typed and it must be at LEAST 4x6 inches.
*Cell Type - You can choose a straight forward animal or plant cell or more challenging cell such as a neuron, white blood cell, or liver cell. This is YOUR choice.
PART II - 3 Dimensional Model of your Cell.
You are responsible for making a 3D model of your cell that is big enough so that I can hold it in my hands and clearly see at least 10 cellular organelles.
This model should accurately reflect your cell shape and type. It can be made out of many materials - be creative and have fun. In the past students have made cells out of -
Foam, Plaster, Paper Mache, Paper, Scuply Clay, Plaster, Buttons, strings, shoe boxes……..
Edible Cell models are also acceptable however they need to be approved by Ms. Trusso One Week before due date.
How will your project be assessed?
The book will be assessed in the following way and Part I is worth 20 points and Part 2 is worth 20 points.
The Brochure will be evaluated by the following:
CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Writing - Grammar
4 There are no grammatical mistakes in the book. There are no grammatical mistakes in the book after feedback from an adult.
3 There are 1-2 grammatical mistakes in the book even after feedback from an adult.
2 There are several grammatical mistakes in the book even after feedback from an adult.
Content - Accuracy
4 All facts in the book are accurate.
3 99-90% of the facts in the book are accurate.
2 89-80% of the facts in the book are accurate.
1 Fewer than 80% of the facts in the book are accurate.
Attractiveness & Organization
4 The brochure has exceptionally attractive formatting and well-organized information.
3 The brochure has attractive formatting and well-organized information.
2 The brochure has well-organized information.
1 The brochure's formatting and organization of material are confusing to the reader.
4 Careful and accurate records are kept to document the source of 95-100% of the facts and graphics in the brochure.
3 Careful and accurate records are kept to document the source of 94-85% of the facts and graphics in the brochure.
2 Careful and accurate records are kept to document the source of 84-75% of the facts and graphics in the brochure.
1 Sources are not documented accurately or are not kept on many facts and graphics.
Presentation to the class will also count for 4 points a total of 20 points.
3D Modeling
CATEGORY 8 6 4 2
Scientific Knowledge
8 Explanations by all group members indicate a clear and accurate understanding of scientific principles underlying the construction and modifications.
6 Explanations by all group members indicate a relatively accurate understanding of scientific principles underlying the construction and modifications.
4 Explanations by most group members indicate relatively accurate understanding of scientific principles underlying the construction and modifications.
2 Explanations by several members of the group do not illustrate much understanding of scientific principles underlying the construction and modifications.
8 Design represents the cell accurately. Is colorful and interesting.
6 Design is similar to the cell. The design is interesting.
4 Design is somewhat like the cell and the object could be more attractive.
2 Looks nothing like the cell and could be more creative in design
Presentation to the class will count for 4 points for a total of 20 points.
Part I and Part II = 40 points
Things to note:
You may work with a partner. Groups of more than two are not allowed.
You may work with people in your class only.
This project involves preparation outside of class. If you choose to work with a partner
make sure you live close to each other to work at each others houses, exchange phone numbers email information.
o make sure that you can work with this person, you won’t get into a big fight
See me with all questions as soon as they arise!!!!!
This project has two parts – Each part is Due Oct. 31st -2007. You will present your project to the entire class on the 31st (Nov 1st 5th period).
PART I - Cell. Brochure
You will choose a cell ( *please see below) and provide a minimum 10 page brochure that should be organized in the following way, with the following five chapters.
Table Of Contents
1) History
Type and History of the cell of your choice. Include, information about its discovery (who, what , where, when , why, how).
2) Function
Explain the function of your cell and WHY it is important - answer the question “Why Should I Care?”
3) Organelles
The cellular organelles this cell uses. Include at least 10 – please define and state why they are necessary to the survival of your cell.
4) Poem
My cell is like: - Create a Poem about your cell. Poem must be at least 10 lines. Remember, the more similes the more thoughtful the poem will appear! Ex, My cell is like a hot air balloon…….
5) Bibliography
Provide a list of sources that you used to make your brochure. The bibliography needs to be written in APA format. (see me for more details). Use at least two sources.
This brochure should be bound and printed on colorful paper. It can be hand written or typed and it must be at LEAST 4x6 inches.
*Cell Type - You can choose a straight forward animal or plant cell or more challenging cell such as a neuron, white blood cell, or liver cell. This is YOUR choice.
PART II - 3 Dimensional Model of your Cell.
You are responsible for making a 3D model of your cell that is big enough so that I can hold it in my hands and clearly see at least 10 cellular organelles.
This model should accurately reflect your cell shape and type. It can be made out of many materials - be creative and have fun. In the past students have made cells out of -
Foam, Plaster, Paper Mache, Paper, Scuply Clay, Plaster, Buttons, strings, shoe boxes……..
Edible Cell models are also acceptable however they need to be approved by Ms. Trusso One Week before due date.
How will your project be assessed?
The book will be assessed in the following way and Part I is worth 20 points and Part 2 is worth 20 points.
The Brochure will be evaluated by the following:
CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Writing - Grammar
4 There are no grammatical mistakes in the book. There are no grammatical mistakes in the book after feedback from an adult.
3 There are 1-2 grammatical mistakes in the book even after feedback from an adult.
2 There are several grammatical mistakes in the book even after feedback from an adult.
Content - Accuracy
4 All facts in the book are accurate.
3 99-90% of the facts in the book are accurate.
2 89-80% of the facts in the book are accurate.
1 Fewer than 80% of the facts in the book are accurate.
Attractiveness & Organization
4 The brochure has exceptionally attractive formatting and well-organized information.
3 The brochure has attractive formatting and well-organized information.
2 The brochure has well-organized information.
1 The brochure's formatting and organization of material are confusing to the reader.
4 Careful and accurate records are kept to document the source of 95-100% of the facts and graphics in the brochure.
3 Careful and accurate records are kept to document the source of 94-85% of the facts and graphics in the brochure.
2 Careful and accurate records are kept to document the source of 84-75% of the facts and graphics in the brochure.
1 Sources are not documented accurately or are not kept on many facts and graphics.
Presentation to the class will also count for 4 points a total of 20 points.
3D Modeling
CATEGORY 8 6 4 2
Scientific Knowledge
8 Explanations by all group members indicate a clear and accurate understanding of scientific principles underlying the construction and modifications.
6 Explanations by all group members indicate a relatively accurate understanding of scientific principles underlying the construction and modifications.
4 Explanations by most group members indicate relatively accurate understanding of scientific principles underlying the construction and modifications.
2 Explanations by several members of the group do not illustrate much understanding of scientific principles underlying the construction and modifications.
8 Design represents the cell accurately. Is colorful and interesting.
6 Design is similar to the cell. The design is interesting.
4 Design is somewhat like the cell and the object could be more attractive.
2 Looks nothing like the cell and could be more creative in design
Presentation to the class will count for 4 points for a total of 20 points.
Part I and Part II = 40 points
Things to note:
You may work with a partner. Groups of more than two are not allowed.
You may work with people in your class only.
This project involves preparation outside of class. If you choose to work with a partner
make sure you live close to each other to work at each others houses, exchange phone numbers email information.
o make sure that you can work with this person, you won’t get into a big fight
See me with all questions as soon as they arise!!!!!
Friday, October 05, 2007
End of First Grading Period
Today marks the end of the first grading period. Please keep in mind that this is only a progress report not an actual grade. This grade will not be on your transcripts.
This week we are going to be studying the effects of enzymes in a lab as well as classroom notes.
The Ca standards addressed this week are 1-b
Homework this week
Due Friday 10/12 Laboratory Experience - Catalase Lab - answer all questions associated with this lab.
Text Book - read chapter 7 and define vocabulary words.
Today marks the end of the first grading period. Please keep in mind that this is only a progress report not an actual grade. This grade will not be on your transcripts.
This week we are going to be studying the effects of enzymes in a lab as well as classroom notes.
The Ca standards addressed this week are 1-b
Homework this week
Due Friday 10/12 Laboratory Experience - Catalase Lab - answer all questions associated with this lab.
Text Book - read chapter 7 and define vocabulary words.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
End of the Six Week Grading Period
Hi Folks:
This Friday marks the end of the first six weeks. Can you believe it we made it through the first six weeks! This Friday we will be celebrating with our fist EXAM. Chapters 1 and 2 will be tested.
You will be able to use your notes during the 50 question multiple choice and one essay test.
This score will be added to your end of the first six week score.
Please study for our first test by reading the first two chapters and you can practice by doing the following:
Page 57 11, 15,16,17,18,19,22,24,25
This Friday marks the end of the first six weeks. Can you believe it we made it through the first six weeks! This Friday we will be celebrating with our fist EXAM. Chapters 1 and 2 will be tested.
You will be able to use your notes during the 50 question multiple choice and one essay test.
This score will be added to your end of the first six week score.
Please study for our first test by reading the first two chapters and you can practice by doing the following:
Page 57 11, 15,16,17,18,19,22,24,25
Monday, September 24, 2007
End of Grading Period - Oct. 5th
This week we are looking into the polar nature of water as found in chapter 2. Please be prepared to read and answer questions in chapter two this week. If you did not turn in your lab report last Friday you need to see me to discuss this matter.
Read chapter 2 answer questions 1-10 on page 57 and questions 1-10 on page 59.
Dates to remember
This Fri 9/28 Picture Day
Wed and Thursday Oct 3 and 4th Exam Chapter 1 and 2.
This week we are looking into the polar nature of water as found in chapter 2. Please be prepared to read and answer questions in chapter two this week. If you did not turn in your lab report last Friday you need to see me to discuss this matter.
Read chapter 2 answer questions 1-10 on page 57 and questions 1-10 on page 59.
Dates to remember
This Fri 9/28 Picture Day
Wed and Thursday Oct 3 and 4th Exam Chapter 1 and 2.
Sunday, September 16, 2007
How to write a lab report and more
Hi Folks
This week we are going to go over the steps you need to use to write a proper lab report.
Please bring all the data from Friday's Measurement Lab to class. We are also going to finish the discussion of Chapter 1 and move on to Chapter 2 Wednesday.
I have prepared study notes for Chapter 1.
Click here to download the Chapter 1 study notes.
Click Here to download the notes for chapter 2.
Monday Morning at 7:30 I will be hosting a metric review. ALL students are welcome to attend. You may make up the Metric Quiz and I will average the grades. You can do this as many times as you like by the 5th of October.
This week I hope to begin Chapter 2 and have the exam for chapter 1 and 2 Wednesday October 3rd.
Remember This Tuesday THE 18TH, is and Early Release Day, that means School is OUT at 12:30.
HOMEWORK - Due Friday 9-21
Formal Lab Write up on Measurement Lab due Friday 21st. Read Chapter 2 and submit chapter notes.
This week we are going to go over the steps you need to use to write a proper lab report.
Please bring all the data from Friday's Measurement Lab to class. We are also going to finish the discussion of Chapter 1 and move on to Chapter 2 Wednesday.
I have prepared study notes for Chapter 1.
Click here to download the Chapter 1 study notes.
Click Here to download the notes for chapter 2.
Monday Morning at 7:30 I will be hosting a metric review. ALL students are welcome to attend. You may make up the Metric Quiz and I will average the grades. You can do this as many times as you like by the 5th of October.
This week I hope to begin Chapter 2 and have the exam for chapter 1 and 2 Wednesday October 3rd.
Remember This Tuesday THE 18TH, is and Early Release Day, that means School is OUT at 12:30.
HOMEWORK - Due Friday 9-21
Formal Lab Write up on Measurement Lab due Friday 21st. Read Chapter 2 and submit chapter notes.
Sunday, September 09, 2007
Week three!
HI Folks:
This week we will begin using our textbooks. Your also going to be designing your own experiment this Friday in a laboratory experience. We will be going over emergency procedures again!
We will start with chapter 1 in the text and proceed to chapter 2.
Homework Read Chapter 1
Due: Friday Sept. 15th, chapter 1 vocabulary words defined. Chapter 1 page 32 questions 30, 31, and writing in science. Please provide a paragraph explaining your experiment!
Safety contracts and behavioral contracts are due signed.
This week we will begin using our textbooks. Your also going to be designing your own experiment this Friday in a laboratory experience. We will be going over emergency procedures again!
We will start with chapter 1 in the text and proceed to chapter 2.
Homework Read Chapter 1
Due: Friday Sept. 15th, chapter 1 vocabulary words defined. Chapter 1 page 32 questions 30, 31, and writing in science. Please provide a paragraph explaining your experiment!
Safety contracts and behavioral contracts are due signed.
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
hi folks:
as a reminder Back To School is Wednesday September 5th at 6pm. Here is the schedule.
as a reminder Back To School is Wednesday September 5th at 6pm. Here is the schedule.
BTS Night
6:00 Talk in Auditorium
6:45 Arts Departments meet (SOTA); 6th period (Academy)
7:00 Arts Departments continue (SOTA), 7th period (Academy)
7:15 1st period
7:32 2nd period
7:49 3rd period
8:06 4th period
8:23 5th period
8:35 Dismissal
Due this Friday the 7th, a graph showing the heights of your classmates. this needs to be in centimeters showing a title, axises, mean ,median and mode.
Signed parent contracts are due as well as safety contracts.
Due this Friday the 7th, a graph showing the heights of your classmates. this needs to be in centimeters showing a title, axises, mean ,median and mode.
Signed parent contracts are due as well as safety contracts.
Monday, September 03, 2007
Back to School Night
This Wednesday the Academy is hosting a Back To School Night for all families. The event starts at 6pm. Parents will be going from class to class following the same schedule as their children.
Teachers will be explaining what will be happening in classrooms for the up-coming school year.
Please Plan on Attending.
Wish List
Biology is in need of the following items:
paper towels
hand soap
disposable gloves
big roll of butcher block paper
drawing supplies ( colored markers, pencils and sharpies)
meter sticks
Due Friday 9/7 a graph showing the height of students in your class, with the mean , median and mode.
This Wednesday the Academy is hosting a Back To School Night for all families. The event starts at 6pm. Parents will be going from class to class following the same schedule as their children.
Teachers will be explaining what will be happening in classrooms for the up-coming school year.
Please Plan on Attending.
Wish List
Biology is in need of the following items:
paper towels
hand soap
disposable gloves
big roll of butcher block paper
drawing supplies ( colored markers, pencils and sharpies)
meter sticks
Due Friday 9/7 a graph showing the height of students in your class, with the mean , median and mode.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
start of school
Hi Folks:
Once again a new school year is upon us. This is a very exciting time as you can decide for yourself how you would like this year to be for you. What type of student would you like to be this year? What sort of changes can you make in your study habits today that will effect your grades and success in school.
Here is the start of the school year information
class syllabus and information
safety contract
How to keep a legal scientific notebook
Once again a new school year is upon us. This is a very exciting time as you can decide for yourself how you would like this year to be for you. What type of student would you like to be this year? What sort of changes can you make in your study habits today that will effect your grades and success in school.
Here is the start of the school year information
class syllabus and information
safety contract
How to keep a legal scientific notebook
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Start of School
Hi Folks:
Hope we are all getting in our summer vacations, enjoying ourselves and getting ready for anew and very exciting school year.
School resumes on Monday August 27th and I'll be posting any new information pertaining to school as soon as i get it!
Thanks and send me an email let me know how your summer is going!
Ms. Trusso
Hope we are all getting in our summer vacations, enjoying ourselves and getting ready for anew and very exciting school year.
School resumes on Monday August 27th and I'll be posting any new information pertaining to school as soon as i get it!
Thanks and send me an email let me know how your summer is going!
Ms. Trusso
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Bio-Project and More
Hi Folks!
As we close in on the last few weeks of school I hope everyone is working fastidiously on their bio-project. The Bio-Project has a due date of June fourth, than means everything is due at that time, your lab report, your poster and be ready to present to the class and the entire school!
Remember this project is instead of your final exam - so please make sure to put extra special care and concentration into this project.
Due This Friday:
The four sources of research that you are using for this project, and the background paragraph that explains what you are going to study.
I would also advise that you work very hard at the experimental phase of your project. There are fewer than four weeks left so please DO NOT DELAY!!!!
Ms. Trusso
As we close in on the last few weeks of school I hope everyone is working fastidiously on their bio-project. The Bio-Project has a due date of June fourth, than means everything is due at that time, your lab report, your poster and be ready to present to the class and the entire school!
Remember this project is instead of your final exam - so please make sure to put extra special care and concentration into this project.
Due This Friday:
The four sources of research that you are using for this project, and the background paragraph that explains what you are going to study.
I would also advise that you work very hard at the experimental phase of your project. There are fewer than four weeks left so please DO NOT DELAY!!!!
Ms. Trusso
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Time line
I almost forgot to include the timeline for the "Biology Project!"
Click here for the due dates.
Ms. T
Click here for the due dates.
Ms. T
Been So Long!
Hi ALl:
Sorry it has been such a long time since my last post. There have been internet problem with my server. Things are now fixed !
So: Dates to remember
Next week April 24- 27th State of California Testing begins. Rest up and try to do your very best.
Find the link below if you would like more review questions.
June 4th your Biology Project is due. Need all the handout info? click here. Need letter home to parents? click here.
Notes! we will be going over bacteria and virusus. need notes click here!
New Email
see you soon
Ms. T
Sorry it has been such a long time since my last post. There have been internet problem with my server. Things are now fixed !
So: Dates to remember
Next week April 24- 27th State of California Testing begins. Rest up and try to do your very best.
Find the link below if you would like more review questions.
June 4th your Biology Project is due. Need all the handout info? click here. Need letter home to parents? click here.
Notes! we will be going over bacteria and virusus. need notes click here!
New Email
see you soon
Ms. T
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Last week before spring break!
This Wednesday is the last class in Biology before spring break. To help you maintain focus over the next few days there will be a test on Wednesday 3/28. The test will be a 20 question multiple choice test with two short answer essay questions. Please remember to answer these questions in complete sentences. If you would like to help studying for the test you can click on the study notes here!
Study Chapter 10 - Mitosis
Chapter 11 ( starting on page 275) - section 11-4
Chapter 12 - DNA- RNA
Questions??? see me during lunch in room 103. or send me an email.
Good Luck
Ms. T
PS - everyone will be receiving a packet of test question to complete over spring break. These questions will help prepare you for the STAR testing.
This Wednesday is the last class in Biology before spring break. To help you maintain focus over the next few days there will be a test on Wednesday 3/28. The test will be a 20 question multiple choice test with two short answer essay questions. Please remember to answer these questions in complete sentences. If you would like to help studying for the test you can click on the study notes here!
Study Chapter 10 - Mitosis
Chapter 11 ( starting on page 275) - section 11-4
Chapter 12 - DNA- RNA
Questions??? see me during lunch in room 103. or send me an email.
Good Luck
Ms. T
PS - everyone will be receiving a packet of test question to complete over spring break. These questions will help prepare you for the STAR testing.
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Monday March 19th
Hi Folks!
We are going to study the Central Dogma for Biology this week with some exciting Lectures complete with notes - click here!
Some important dates to remember!
Wednesday 3/21 is a minimum day - students will be dismissed at 12:25.
We will be extracting DNA from wheat germ on Friday. It will be a very exciting lab - please be on time.
The following Wednesday 3/28, there will be a test on mitosis, meiosis, DNA replication and DNA to proteins. Monday/Tuesday will serve as review.
Please keep in mind that over the spring break you will be responsible for homework to prepare you for star testing occurring the third week in April.
HOMEWORK Due Friday 3/23rd
Chapter 12 section 12-3 assessment (page 306) number 1-4 and Section 12-4 assessment (page 308) number 1-4.
see you soon!
Ms. T
We are going to study the Central Dogma for Biology this week with some exciting Lectures complete with notes - click here!
Some important dates to remember!
Wednesday 3/21 is a minimum day - students will be dismissed at 12:25.
We will be extracting DNA from wheat germ on Friday. It will be a very exciting lab - please be on time.
The following Wednesday 3/28, there will be a test on mitosis, meiosis, DNA replication and DNA to proteins. Monday/Tuesday will serve as review.
Please keep in mind that over the spring break you will be responsible for homework to prepare you for star testing occurring the third week in April.
HOMEWORK Due Friday 3/23rd
Chapter 12 section 12-3 assessment (page 306) number 1-4 and Section 12-4 assessment (page 308) number 1-4.
see you soon!
Ms. T
Sunday, March 11, 2007
End of Grading Period - Start of Another!
Hi folks:
Friday marked the end of our first six week's of the second semester. Just 12 weeks of classes in the school year. My how time is flying. As you may know March 30th starts our spring break - however it will not be much of a break for your Biology studies as we need to prep for the STAR Testing. I will be sending a packet of test prep questions for you to work on over vacation. Everyone who completes the packet will be WAIVED from an assignment! Click here for more STAR testing info.
This week we are finishing up meiosis and moving on to DNA - what it is, how it looks and what it does.
Click here for meiosis notes.
Looking for a cool interactive DNA site click here...
looking forward to a great week!
Ms. T
Friday marked the end of our first six week's of the second semester. Just 12 weeks of classes in the school year. My how time is flying. As you may know March 30th starts our spring break - however it will not be much of a break for your Biology studies as we need to prep for the STAR Testing. I will be sending a packet of test prep questions for you to work on over vacation. Everyone who completes the packet will be WAIVED from an assignment! Click here for more STAR testing info.
This week we are finishing up meiosis and moving on to DNA - what it is, how it looks and what it does.
Click here for meiosis notes.
Looking for a cool interactive DNA site click here...
looking forward to a great week!
Ms. T
Sunday, March 04, 2007
March On
As we begin March we are also beginning to study cellular replication (mitosis) and DNA.
Monday we are having a lab on cellular respiration - please be prepared and arrive to class on time.
Tuesday we are going to concentrate on understanding mitosis. We will be making mitosis flip books as well as looking at prepared microscope slides that show the different stages of mitosis.
Feeling like you want a review before we start click here for notes
Chapter 10 page 249 # 1-5, Pg. 252 numbers 2, 3,4
Chapter 10 assessment page 258 numbers 27, 31,
See You
Ms T
As we begin March we are also beginning to study cellular replication (mitosis) and DNA.
Monday we are having a lab on cellular respiration - please be prepared and arrive to class on time.
Tuesday we are going to concentrate on understanding mitosis. We will be making mitosis flip books as well as looking at prepared microscope slides that show the different stages of mitosis.
Feeling like you want a review before we start click here for notes
Chapter 10 page 249 # 1-5, Pg. 252 numbers 2, 3,4
Chapter 10 assessment page 258 numbers 27, 31,
See You
Ms T
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Study notes for chapter 9
Just thought that I should post the study notes for chapter 9. It is a very short chapter on cellular respiration.
Looking for the notes to download - click here.
Don't forget homework this week includes pg. 225 1-5 and page 232 1-5
Quiz this Tuesday period 6 and 7
This Friday we are going to have lab demonstrating cellular respiration.
See You !
Ms. T
Just thought that I should post the study notes for chapter 9. It is a very short chapter on cellular respiration.
Looking for the notes to download - click here.
Don't forget homework this week includes pg. 225 1-5 and page 232 1-5
Quiz this Tuesday period 6 and 7
This Friday we are going to have lab demonstrating cellular respiration.
See You !
Ms. T
cellular respiration
In addition to photosynthesis cells have another way to make energy. Both plant and animal cells use cellular respiration to convert glucose to ATP.
Chapter 9 covers this and we will begin this discussion in class this week.
Looking for chapter 9 notes click here
Dates to remember:
Per 1, Wednesday test photosynthesis - Period 6 and 7 Tuesday!
Homework read chapter 9
Page 225 number 1-5
pg232 number 1-5
In addition to photosynthesis cells have another way to make energy. Both plant and animal cells use cellular respiration to convert glucose to ATP.
Chapter 9 covers this and we will begin this discussion in class this week.
Looking for chapter 9 notes click here
Dates to remember:
Per 1, Wednesday test photosynthesis - Period 6 and 7 Tuesday!
Homework read chapter 9
Page 225 number 1-5
pg232 number 1-5
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Lets get ready for spring by studying photosynthesis! This week we will be having yet another fun lab "the stomata" . You will have the opportunity to learn all there is to learn about the stomata and its role in photosynthesis.
Looking for photosynthesis notes click here
Due Wednesday 2/21 - Formal Lab Write up of the Osmosis and the Egg Lab
Due Friday Read pages 200 -214 and answer questions 1-5 on page 214.
Test on Photosynthesis next Wednesday - Last day in Feb 28th!
Good Luck and do your work!
Ms. Trusso
Lets get ready for spring by studying photosynthesis! This week we will be having yet another fun lab "the stomata" . You will have the opportunity to learn all there is to learn about the stomata and its role in photosynthesis.
Looking for photosynthesis notes click here
Due Wednesday 2/21 - Formal Lab Write up of the Osmosis and the Egg Lab
Due Friday Read pages 200 -214 and answer questions 1-5 on page 214.
Test on Photosynthesis next Wednesday - Last day in Feb 28th!
Good Luck and do your work!
Ms. Trusso
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Start of Photosynthesis
Hi !
With the end of our Osmosis and the Egg lab, it marks the end of our discussion of cell membranes and onto photosynthesis! If you need the Osmosis and Egg Lab paper click here.
Remember that lab is due Wednesday Feb, 21st as a formal lab write up!
Photosynthesis starts in chapter 8 in the book, please read chapter 8 and be ready to discuss photosynthesis.
Friday the 23rd we will be having a lab showing photosynthesis using the Stomata ( the opening on the underside of a leaf) Click here for info on Stomata, click here to download the stomata lab.
Due Wednesday 2/21 - Osmosis and Egg Formal Lab Write Up
Due Friday 2/23 Read chapter 8, answer questions in section 8-3 page 214 numbers 1-5. This means you need to READ pages 200-214 first then answer the questions.
With the end of our Osmosis and the Egg lab, it marks the end of our discussion of cell membranes and onto photosynthesis! If you need the Osmosis and Egg Lab paper click here.
Remember that lab is due Wednesday Feb, 21st as a formal lab write up!
Photosynthesis starts in chapter 8 in the book, please read chapter 8 and be ready to discuss photosynthesis.
Friday the 23rd we will be having a lab showing photosynthesis using the Stomata ( the opening on the underside of a leaf) Click here for info on Stomata, click here to download the stomata lab.
Due Wednesday 2/21 - Osmosis and Egg Formal Lab Write Up
Due Friday 2/23 Read chapter 8, answer questions in section 8-3 page 214 numbers 1-5. This means you need to READ pages 200-214 first then answer the questions.
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Cell Membrane
Hope everyone stays well rested for the CHSEE test and you are ready to start in on cell membranes! Up coming things to remember:
Quiz Friday - this includes two parts a written part that tests your knowledge of the shape and function of cellular organelles. The second part involves using an aquatic plant Elodea and preparing a wet mount microscope slide, focusing the leaf and showing me that
1) you can prepare a slide
2) you know how to focus
3) you understand magnification
4) you can identify a cell structure
Here are some notes that I'll be handing out to the class this week
Page 189 questions 1-6 - due Friday
ms t
Hope everyone stays well rested for the CHSEE test and you are ready to start in on cell membranes! Up coming things to remember:
Quiz Friday - this includes two parts a written part that tests your knowledge of the shape and function of cellular organelles. The second part involves using an aquatic plant Elodea and preparing a wet mount microscope slide, focusing the leaf and showing me that
1) you can prepare a slide
2) you know how to focus
3) you understand magnification
4) you can identify a cell structure
Here are some notes that I'll be handing out to the class this week
Page 189 questions 1-6 - due Friday
ms t
Thursday, February 01, 2007
New Semester Welcome
It's the second semester only 20 more weeks to go! We are starting off the semester with the wonderful world of cells and your assignment for this week is to read chapter 7 section, 7-1 and 7-2 and to answer the questions at the end of 7-2 numbers 1-4.
Looking for chapter 7 notes?click here
looking for the worksheet on cellular organelles? click here.
Next week we move on to cell membranes.
Ms. T
It's the second semester only 20 more weeks to go! We are starting off the semester with the wonderful world of cells and your assignment for this week is to read chapter 7 section, 7-1 and 7-2 and to answer the questions at the end of 7-2 numbers 1-4.
Looking for chapter 7 notes?click here
looking for the worksheet on cellular organelles? click here.
Next week we move on to cell membranes.
Ms. T
Friday, January 19, 2007
Final Exam Information
Hi Students
The final exam for period 6 is Monday at 8am, period 7 is also on Monday but at 10:10am. Period one final exam is set for Thursday at 8am. Please be on time, well fed and rested.
Looking for notes to help you study? click here
Looking for the essay questions that will be on the exam click here
questions???email me over the weekend
Ms. T
The final exam for period 6 is Monday at 8am, period 7 is also on Monday but at 10:10am. Period one final exam is set for Thursday at 8am. Please be on time, well fed and rested.
Looking for notes to help you study? click here
Looking for the essay questions that will be on the exam click here
questions???email me over the weekend
Ms. T
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Last Week Before FINALS
Now is the time to start preparing for finals - You can start by reviewing your class notes from the first week of school. The exam will be a 50 question multiple choice test with your choice of 3 from 5 possible choices of a short answer essay.
The essay questions will be given to you on Friday and you will have the weekend to organize and develop your short answer essay.
If you want some help with mnemonic memory techniques click here!
Also we will be having an anatomy Lab at the beginning of this week and we will be touching on chapter 40 also this week.
If you would like my notes for chapter 40 click here.
Your homework for this week is to begin to study for your finals, prepare your essay questions and study your vocabulary.
Ms Trusso
The essay questions will be given to you on Friday and you will have the weekend to organize and develop your short answer essay.
If you want some help with mnemonic memory techniques click here!
Also we will be having an anatomy Lab at the beginning of this week and we will be touching on chapter 40 also this week.
If you would like my notes for chapter 40 click here.
Your homework for this week is to begin to study for your finals, prepare your essay questions and study your vocabulary.
Ms Trusso
Sunday, January 07, 2007
Two Weeks Left in the Semester!
Are you ready? We have two weeks left in the semester and then finals! Half way through the year, yeah!
If you would like to download chapter 39 notes click here.
Homework for this week, Due Friday :
Study Chapter 35, Study Notes for Chapter 35- due Friday.
Read Chapter 39 - turn in your outline for chapter 39.
If you would like to download a copy of my study notes click below
Study notes for chapter 39 click here
See you !
Ms. T
Due -
Are you ready? We have two weeks left in the semester and then finals! Half way through the year, yeah!
If you would like to download chapter 39 notes click here.
Homework for this week, Due Friday :
Study Chapter 35, Study Notes for Chapter 35- due Friday.
Read Chapter 39 - turn in your outline for chapter 39.
If you would like to download a copy of my study notes click below
Study notes for chapter 39 click here
See you !
Ms. T
Due -
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
Study Notes For Chapter 35 are HERE!!
Click here if you want to download ch. 35 study notes. These notes will help you prepare for future tests!
remember your homework is due this Friday ( see yesterday's posting for info).
If you are not doing well in class you need to see me right away so we can work on a plan. Let's start the New Year off right!
Ms. Trusso
remember your homework is due this Friday ( see yesterday's posting for info).
If you are not doing well in class you need to see me right away so we can work on a plan. Let's start the New Year off right!
Ms. Trusso
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Welcome Back!
HI! Welcome Back to School
We are going to get down to business right away discussing neurons and the sensory system. I look forward to the next three weeks and finishing up our discussion of the incredible human body.
Please remember to set up your new lab notebook and if you need information on how to do things click here!
Notes click here
Homework - Due Friday Jan 5th
Vocabulary chapter 35
Page 913 answer question 1-4.
We are going to get down to business right away discussing neurons and the sensory system. I look forward to the next three weeks and finishing up our discussion of the incredible human body.
Please remember to set up your new lab notebook and if you need information on how to do things click here!
Notes click here
Homework - Due Friday Jan 5th
Vocabulary chapter 35
Page 913 answer question 1-4.
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